
Thursday, April 07, 2005


And another in Sumatra Posted by Hello


  1. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Sara just left our school here in Sumatra after two fun-filled days of poetry. It was inspirational and amazing! The students were energized and enthusiastic about poetry. All students wrote poems that captured a moment and presented them in a poetry jam. We teachers learned many effective strategies for integrating poetry into our content areas. Thank you Sara for coming to Sumatra! I look forward to reading a poem in the future about monkeys on the roof!

    I strongly recommend workshops and presentations by Sara. Please invite her to your school!

  2. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Dear Sara,

    Thank you for coming to our school. We enjoyed having the poetry jam with you. We liked your poems. "Shampoo, Boo Boo" was really funny. I liked "The Dog Ate My Homework". Thank you for letting us make a poem.


  3. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Dear Sara,
    You inspired me to write poems! I love to read your poems. I hope You can come and see us again. I really,really liked the Poetry Jam. My top five favourite poems you read to us were “The Dog Ate My Homework”, “Allison And Fred” , “Which Way To The Dragon”, “Port -a-Potty” and “The Love Between Brothers And Sisters”. What I liked about them were they all drug me in to read more of your poems!!

    Grade 4

  4. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Dear Sara,
    I had a lot of fun when you were here.
    My favourite poem is “The Dog Ate My Homework” because every student wants their dog to eat their homework. (Before you do you Homework.)
    My favourite thing you did was to act out your poem because your poems come to life.

    Grade 4

  5. You guys are the greatest! Thank you so much for writing. I have told so many teachers and students about our poetry jam where EVERYONE got two gongs. It will be hard to duplicate since gongs are in slim supply in the U.S., but the theory may be duplicated with school bells and other clangers.

    Thank you for all the memories. Not to repeat myself, but you are the greatest!
