
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Live: from Granny Camp

So far we have visited the Desert Museum and the Colossal Cave. We've gone horseback riding and written in our journals. We've sung camp songs and given ourselves desert names (Ben's is coyote, mine is fish hook). Why fish hook? That's a kind of cactus and it seemed appropriate since we all got stuck trying to fish a hook out of one. Granny Debbie had all the supplies put up and man have we been eating them. We must eat 8-15 times a day. We take turns with chores and do crafts. We've decorated T shirts and plates and Granny Sophie helped us decorate gourds today. We made gourd name tags and each decorated our own little gourds (grown my Granny Sophie). I've been having computer troubles -- and still am since I am now learning how to use a Mac. Big leap.

Tonight we sleep under the stars after an astrologist comes to explain the sky to us with her big telescope. More pix to come.

Way too much stuff to do to sit in front of the computer. Oh, and for those who are wondering, it hit 106 today!


  1. sounds like a perfect camp!!!

  2. Enjoy the Arizona stars and sunshine! The "cooler" weather is nice in Tuscon. We were 109 yesterday in Phoenix!! But it is dry!!! Sounds like a wonderful time together! How blessed you are to have this time to build memories that will last forever.

  3. Sounds did the stars look out there with you shining so brightly? xo, las
