I first met Principal Seamus Marriott and his wife
Theresa in Wisconsin at a Walloon Institute and later traveled to work at his school
in Shanghai, then in Cairo, and most recently in Balikpapan. Not only did he
invite us to great locations, he helped us plan side trips, introduced into
other schools, fantastic teachers and enthusiastic kids, and even took us for a
spinning time at a Scottish Ball. While
we have had a great time working for him in each location, the visit to Pasir
Ridge was special indeed.

Turns out that not only should Seamus be giving
principal lessons, he is a poet! Seamus
wrote us a poem for our final assembly.
Not just a poem, an ODE.
Ode to Our Visiting Poets
By Seamus Marriott
Poets pick their words for
clarity and prose
Crafting a bouquet for the
reader’s nose
They paint a picture and tell
a tale
They can make us happy or can
make us wail
Words are their tools like an
artist’s brush on the page
Embossed in the ink or even
digital in this new age
Our learning this week has
been rewarding and fun
And we are sad that our time
together is done
Thank you for enriching our
words and encouraging our PIPES
We will remember you fondly
and proudly wear our new poetry stripes
You have truly developed our
poetry lens
Best wishes from PRIS and all your new poetry friends.
Thank you my friend.